1. I am honored to be here with you today for the opening ceremony of this Combined Second and Third Quarters Chief of Army Staff Conference 2024. I have noted with keen interest the important role that the regular conferences undertaken by the Nigerian Army (NA) play in appraising training and operational activities with a view to learning lessons for future undertakings.
2. I recall with admiration that a similar military activity was hosted in the State about a decade ago, and I am delighted that the Nigerian Army is back in Akwa Ibom State, the Land of Promise.
3. I make bold to say that the establishment of Headquarters 2 Brigade in the State has contributed in no small measure to the relative peace experienced in the State. It has also contributed to creating a good working and harmonious relationship between you and our administration, alongside other sister security agencies, in maintaining the peace we enjoy. This, I believe, informed your decision to choose Akwa Ibom State to host this auspicious event as a further pointer to the good relationship between Akwa Ibom and the Nigerian Army. I am, therefore, elated to be with you today to appreciate your continual efforts in addressing the current security challenges bedeviling our dear nation.
4. It goes without saying that security is a key requirement for national development, and history has shown that one institution that plays and continues to play a key role in achieving security is the Army. It also remains a veritable tool for projecting the country’s national power.
5. Since my assumption of office, I have been particularly impressed with the progressive restructuring of the Nigerian Army. I watched with great delight and pride the maiden flights of the Army Aviation during the just-concluded Army Day Celebrations in Jos and came to the conclusion that the Nigerian Army is constantly innovating and deepening its competence and professionalism as required of a modern army. I must, therefore, commend the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General T. Lagbaja, for the purposeful direction he has given to the Nigerian Army towards meeting its constitutional responsibility. We feel very proud of him, particularly given the fact that he was here with us at some point in his illustrious career as the Commander of Headquarters 2 Brigade, Uyo. This, therefore, is like a homecoming for you.
6. One of the key components of our Governance Blueprint, the Arise Agenda, is Security. As a matter of fact, the ‘S’ in the Arise Agenda stands for ‘Security Management.’ To show our commitment to maintaining security, part of the first acts I performed shortly after my inauguration was to set up a full-fledged Ministry of Internal Security and Waterways, headed by one of your own—General Koko Essien (rtd.). We have also created the Ibom Community Watch (ICW), a community-based informal security architecture that serves to complement the activities of the security agencies with intelligence and physical presence, especially based upon their deep knowledge of their localities.
7. It is germane to note that for development to thrive, there must be security of lives and property. Therefore, as the Army of our great nation, your role in securing the nation is paramount, and the government is to do all that is possible to ensure that the Army is well equipped. That is why we created the Joint Maritime Operations/Task Force and procured and deployed 14 patrol boats in response to the littoral nature of our State and the threats posed by sea pirates, militants, and kidnappers within our waterways. We have also donated Hilux trucks to assist the Police in real-time response to combat crimes. I want to urge you to continue to remain apolitical and operate within the framework of the principles of fundamental human rights.
8. The various operations being conducted in Akwa Ibom and other parts of Nigeria no doubt require a high degree of training and expertise. It is, therefore, heartwarming that training is being tailored towards emerging threats, and necessary equipment is procured in line with this. Equally important is the attention given to joint training in multi-agency cooperation and collaboration. This will no doubt boost the level of synergy and cooperation amongst the various security agencies in the quest to defeat criminal elements within the shortest time possible. My administration will ever remain steadfast in assisting the Nigerian Army in achieving its goals in Akwa Ibom State and beyond.
9. As you deliberate during this Conference, I want you to think out of the box and evolve strategies that will consolidate your efforts in tackling the myriad of security challenges being faced in the State and country as a whole. I am positive that your leadership has provided purposeful direction in establishing a foundation for the Nigerian Army. Distinguished invited guests, ladies and gentlemen, on this note, it is my pleasure to formally declare the Chief of Army Staff’s Combined Second and Third Quarters Conference for the year 2024 open.
10. I thank you all, and God bless.