Before you rage and get angry, just listen.
When it comes to sales and negotiations, listening is far more important than talking. Talking too much may even ruin your chances of making a sale. Please just listen.
Political movements are different from political parties since movements are usually focused on a single issue and they have no interest in attaining offices in government. Whereas a political party is an organized group of people or bodies who seek to capture political power through an election in order to run the affairs of a state. In Akwa ibom, local government elections is approaching and like other times, APC in the state is not ready to win elections but are after sharing money, having meetings and jamboree. Winning elections is simply focus on the goal, and what is the goal, ” to capture political power through elections”.
I make bold to say, in the last 2023 election, APC in the state were not ready to take power, so YPP sprung up in few months with the understanding of the difference between a political party and a social political movement. You will attest to the fact that YPP was ready to take power. For the first time in the state, there was an election. PDP knew that it was not the normal usual party, win nomination and win election. The had sleepless night because of a small party that was ready to take power.
I make bold to say, everyone that won election in Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District won because of the inputs of YPP. I mean everyone, nobody excluded. If you doubt me ask APC why they didn’t win Ukanafun/Oruk Anam federal constituency. The answer is simple, YPP said it should be PDP in that constituency. If you challenged it, I will tell the whole world how APC got those sits. It wasn’t their strength.
Their house was not in order. Why did Senator OBA lose governorship election, simple, because of the distraction of APC during the governorship elections and the insincerity of some gladiators. If APC didn’t bring a candidate in the last minute to bring confusion, let’s be real, Senator OBA would have won. Money is not everything.
APC thinks that they will bring money in the last minute and win LGA election in the state. Money will fail. The house has to be put in order and power must decentralized from one source.
You need to ask Senator OBA the secret formula on how to turn a movement into party. You need to consult me to teach how to turn a small movement into a winning party. For the record under my watch, I won two House of Assembly and a House of Representatives.
That is a political party who came out for the primary purpose of winning elections and not for jamboree. If you listen with an open mind, you will take the right action but if you become defensive, you cannot make progress.
In conclusion, few days ago, there was a protest in the country, instead of leadership to have listened to the yearning and cry of the people, some leaders became defensive. As at today, prices of fuel went up and life became harder.
Please just listen. You can’t make great sales in marketing if you don’t listen. Just a brother who has your interest at heart.
For other parties in the state, they are yet to become political parties, they are still old school associations whose primary objective is not to win election but to meet together and merry.
Thank you for listening.
Dr Andy