At 63, Nigeria must soldier on…Rt Hon Augustine Okezie encourages Nigerians.



Nigeria as a country from all parameters and indices should rank among the most stable, politically, economically and in every wise given the enormity of human and material resources deposited therein by nature which is still waiting to be harnessed for the good of all.

Truth be told, our experiences as a nation has not be rosy, given experiences mostly unpalatable, which has led many to question if the “labours of our heroes past has become vain” and if the chord of unity has been cut asunder.

Leadership is the be all and end all in all strata and parameter of the measurements of growth and development, hence the need to soberly reflect where we as a nation are not getting it right.

The gap widens on a daily basis, between the downtrodden and those up the ladder and most disheartening is the obvious narrative that stares the nation on the face that there are Nigerians who are more Nigeria than others.

Nevertheless, there is hope, if and only if Nigerians in all walks of life brace up and get involved in the goings on in the country. There is nothing more patriotic than this.

Nigerians must bring to question the activities of her leaders, making demands for accountability and visible stewardship and in our little corners, do what is right without waiting to be told to do so.

Together, we can mould something beautiful out of the miry clay. We must soldier on and being resolute, we can get it right.

It is not late for Nigeria at 63.

Rt Hon Augustine Okezie
Deputy Speaker
Abia State House of Assembly


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