Eket Senatorial District Media Professionals Heap Praises on Senator Ekong Sampson over Training of Practitioners


Eket Senatorial District Media Professionals Heap Praises on Senator Ekong Sampson over Training of Practitioners

The recent training of media professionals of Akwa Ibom South extraction on new industry trends by Senator Ekong Sampson has continued to garner outpour of commendations across board.

The latest of these has come from the stable of Association of Eket Senatorial District Media Professionals, many of whose members were beneficiaries of Monday’s training and empowerment largesse of Senator Sampson.

Earlier this week, over a hundred journalists and aspiring media professionals in Eket Senatorial District converged on Watbridge Hotels, Uyo for the training programme on ICT and Effective Media Communication.

Eminent media and communication tutors including Prof. Peter Esuh, Dean, Faculty of Media and Communication, University of Uyo, Dr. Udeme Nana, renowned academic and Dr. Nsikak Idiong, drilled the media professionals.

Former Dean of Art, University of Uyo, Prof. Des Wilson, chaired the event, while the Honorary Special Adviser to Gov. Umo Eno on Media and Communications, Prince Chris Abasieyo, represented Senator Sampson at the occasion. Dr. Essien Ndueso, SSA to Gov. Eno on Documentation moderated the sessions.

In a message to Senator Ekong Sampson regarding the programme, Edet Okpo, Chairman of the Association of Eket Senatorial District Media Professionals conveyed the ‘immeasurable gratitude’ of members over the impact and success of the training.

“I am pleased to report to you that the training programme on ICT and Effective Media Communication, organized and sponsored by you for our members on Monday, October 21, 2024 was not only successful, but momentous, impactful and testimonial of your robust legislative engagement, commitment to service and large heartedness”.

“First and foremost, your tasteful choice of resource persons and their physical presence portray your rich mindset and determination to make a difference and further prove that the exercise was not for optics and showmanship, like others used to do in the name of training and empowerment”, the group’s statement read further.

Okpo noted that at the end of the training, they all returned refreshed, retrained, retooled and inspired to bring freshness and innovation into their professionalism in the digital global village of the 21st century media practice.

The forum rained praises on Senator Sampson, himself a journalist, stating:

You did not only train us but magnanimously fed us, sent us home with handsome packages, and with a certificate of participation. I confess to you that at the end of the exercise, the unanimous testimony was that it has never been this good in Eket Senatorial District since the return of democracy in 1999.

As a pacesetter, you are on record to be the first to embark on this kind of massive and quality training and empowerment. The moniker ‘Onomkpoinam’ was reaffirmed today”, the well worded message concluded.

It is worthy to note that over a thousand indigenes of Akwa Ibom South are expected to benefit from Senator Sampson’s latest training and empowerment programmes, which cover mining, agro business, SMEs, media advocacy, among others.

© Media Unit,
Office of Senator Ekong Sampson,


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