Leave the Stage when the Applause is loud


The worst thing that can happen to any employee is for your boss to tell you we don’t need you again and employ another person to do your job while you are still in the company.

When you get to some stage in your career where you are no longer needed in your place or feel less valued, any opportunity to leave that place asap should be paramount in your mind, you should prioritize your escape strategy

It’s a total humiliation to your personality, you need an escape route to save you from further embarrassment and protect your mental health. The worst place to work is a place where you are no longer valued, it will mess your life up

While trying to escape, “all way na way” as long as it is an escape route from the humiliation you are facing. If getting a pay cut or even working for free at another prestige institution offers a fresh opportunity, you must embrace it.

In the broadcast industry, I have seen some people leave some stations because the station no longer values or respects them, when they take your show away from you and give it to someone else and no longer involve you in any decision-making, you need to leave the place immediately, especially when the owner tells you directly they don’t need you again, if you force your stay, you will suffer further humiliation

From a personal experience, I resigned at a place of work 13 years ago when the management told me they would reduce all management staff salary by 50%, I went to Star FM where I was told they were not ready to pay me a kobo, I accepted to work for free cuz I needed to leave my former place of work.

Napoli told Osimhen they don’t need him again, they banished him from the pre-season and didn’t allow him to train with the first team, and they even went ahead to sign a player who can do his job effectively, they’ve taken his No.9 jersey away from him, they didn’t even register him for the Serie A this season, at that stage, Osimhen should have taken any escape route away from the club even it will involve making sacrifices

Osimhen is not broke, he’s made for life if he stops playing football today, so what’s the big deal in reducing your wages if that’s the only realistic chance of leaving a club you are no longer needed?

Why do you think Luciano Spalleti resigned immediately after winning the Scudetto with the club? Probably he saw the future and he knew he had to plan his escape strategy at that moment but Osimehn was not smart, he allowed his selfish agent to ruin the chances to leave in the transfer market. His agent has other business with other players, so he will not suffer anything, it is Osimhen who will not play competitive football until January

He should sack his agent NOW!!


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