Making Gov Eno Restless


Making Gov Eno Restless

Otobong Sampson

Joseph Stalin, former premier of Soviet Union, discussing the future of Poland at the beginning of World War 2 had promised that in case of victory, the country would regain its independence. Once the Red Army occupied Poland, he “forgot” his promise. Reminded of his earlier promise by PM Winston Churchill, Stalin coolly replied: “So what? I am the one who promised and I am the one who withdraws the promise!”

A former U.S President, Harry Truman, in his post-presidency years okayed the unfulfillment of promises in politics this way: “Always be sincere, even if you don’t mean it”.

Both inferences sum up how deception, without qualms, has been endorsed across local and international boundaries as a virtue in politics and even served without a care.

While Stalin teaches that responsibility is of no account after power is served, a new breed leader from an emerging corner of the world speaks differently and serves the impression that politics can also be a game played in honesty. Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom is not speaking through words, he is speaking through his deeds. To make the governor restless, extract a promise from him. In honouring pacts and promises, Pastor Eno’s examples shine through.

Very recently, Governor Eno in a reciprocal gesture gathered youths of the state in appreciation of their decision to express their grievances in a different way over the rising cost of living in the country. Prior to the protest which began on August 1 through August 10, 2024, tensions understandably had hovered across major states’ capitals and cities.

Aware of the negative dimensions that a peaceful protest can assume if hijacked, and the possible unpleasant outcomes, he had appealed to young people to weigh on a scale — the efforts and genuineness of his government in tackling governance issues, and reconsider their decision to protest. “But if you must protest, please do so peacefully,’ he furthered his appeal.

As remarked by the Governor at the rally, even without protests, he has always heard the youths, the vulnerables, and other categories of Akwa Ibom people loud-and-clear. It must not always be through protest for leadership to understand common needs of the people.

The outcome of that act of obedience include but not limited to government massive empowerment support to one hundred thousand youths, a separate ministry for youth development, and a new database to deepen employment drive.

Other benefits are, increased bursaries to students in public tertiary institutions, educational grants to one thousand students with disability, and another round of entrepreneurial training by IBOM-LED for two thousand youths. As it was with the previous trainings, the graduate-beneficiaries will get five-hundred-thousand naira each as business support grant at the end of the training while another three thousand youths in agribusiness will receive two-hundred-and-fifty thousand naira each for expansion.

The intent of this writer is not to celebrate the promises that the governor has fulfilled. For he has a more-than-impressive record on that. Rather, it is to draw awareness to the commitment he gives to his promises and the immediacy at which he makes his words bear fruits.

This then explains why in an enterprise so ridden with mistrust and distrust of politicians by their publics, he is able to effortlessly trade with the trust currency. A currency that the national public no longer seem to accept as a means of transaction in the political market.

Nene Affia, a former vice chairman of the NUJ, Akwa Ibom State, remarking on the governor’s sincerity in leadership and contemporaneously reacting to the Grace Housing Estate promo of the current administration wrote:

“Within a twinkle of an eye, these ones became landlords/landladies. They just believed it could work and it worked for them.

“When you hear that the Government is on a project for you, don’t doubt it. Everything is not a scam, this administration is sincere. Just do your part and wait. The next one could be yours.”

On Sunday, September 22, 2024, one hundred and fifty low cadre civil servants under levels 01 — 08 in the employ of the state government became owners of brand new two-bedroom flat, won through a transparent raffle draw process.

From food to shelter, education and health, to security, Governor Eno, in seeking meaningful changes is prioritizing pressing needs of the people through his welfarist policies.


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