Let me officially welcome you to the national press conference of the national association of Akwa Ibom State Students Naakiss Worldwide today dated 26th August,2024.

I recognise the leaders of Naakiss Worldwide here present.

-The Speaking Speaker of the 8th assembly, Rt.Hon.Godwin Bassey. And all other Parliamentarians here present!

-The Secretary and all members of the Interim National Government here present.

-The members of the Council of Chapter Presidents Naakiss Worldwide here present.

-Our dear and esteemed comrades here present.

-Members of the press corp.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Greatest Nigerian Students!
Greatest Akwa Ibom State Students!
Naakiss ginger!
Naakiss swagger!
Akwa Ibom isong o!

My name is Comrade Blessing Essien, and by the Special grace of God the Chairperson Interim National Government of Naakiss Worldwide!

We are here to unveil and make public the programmes that will form part of the transition agenda of this administration.

The life span of this Interim National Government as allowed by law is 4 months within which period it is expected that we will midwife a new National Executive to pilot the affairs of our beloved Association to greater heights.

By the end of this Press conference, the full time table for the transition programme will be made available publicly.

Before we settle down to the business of the day, may i introduce you to the Association at which instance we all gather here today.
The National Association Of Akwa Ibom State Students referred to commonly as (Naakiss Worldwide), is the apex umbrella platform that caters for and moblilises students of Akwa Ibom State origin all over the world as an academic and a political force.

Naakiss Worldwide is saddled with the responsibility of planning, coordinating, organizing and advocating for the general welfare of the students of Akwa Ibom State origin within the state and in the diaspora!

Naakiss Worldwide being a student based platform is classified as a pressure group and exercises its activities by deployment of advocacy as the primary tool of engagement.

Naakiss Worldwide is domiciled in the State Ministry of Education which exercises supervisory functions over it, with other relevant governmental ministries, agencies and departments equally exercising key advisory roles over the the Association.

The Association is headquartered in Uyo the State capital in accordance with provisions of the constitution and is the melting pot of the finest diverse cultures, intellectual pursuits and the embryo where the next generation of leaders for the state is fertilised

Naakiss Worldwide, as an international organisation that represents the collective interest and bargaining power of all students of Akwa Ibom State origin was founded in 1987 at the state creation, but was constitutionally established by virtue of the 1996 constitution as amended in 2022.

The agenda for this press conference is to educate the public on the enabling laws that gives this Interim National Government the powers to Transit from Mr Ubong Ekwere led National Executive Council to a new one and to announce the transition program of the Interim National Government.

It is on record that Mr Ubong Ekwere led Executive was inaugurated in November 2022, as supervised and witnessed by the State Ministry of Education,for a tenure of one year, as stipulated in the constitution.

(SECTION 19(1)(2)
(1) “The tenure of governance of elected National Exco shall be twelve(12) calender months”.

(2) “Pursuant to subsection (1) of this section and in accordance with the provisions of this constitution,the National Executive Council shall constitute a seven(7) member electoral committee three(3) months before the expiration of their tenure and the committee must be ratified by the Parliament in accordance with the provisions of this constitution,the National Executive shall cease to hold power on the completion of twelve(12) calendar months in office irrespective of any circumstances”

Following this clause provided in this constitution the one tenure of Mr Ubong Ekwere came to a completion precisely in November 2023.


Following the expiration of Mr Ubong Ekwere led Exco’s tenure by effluxion of time and whereas that Exco had also failed to execute the tenets of law as enshrined in section19(2)stated above, the NAAKISS WORLDWIDE PARLIAMENT led by Hon. Aniebiet Godwin the then Speaker of the Parliament moved the motion of the house and by a majority resolution dissolved that Exco on the 23rd November, 2023.
The parliament drew its authority to dissolve the Exco from Section 34(2) which states inter alia that;
“At the expiration of the tenure of the National Executive Council, the Parliament shall declare the entire National Executive Council dissolved.”

By the provision of the constitution in section 20(1) which states inter alia; “In the event of non-feasibility of succession by an elected government in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) of Section(19) and Section(34) subsection (1) paragraph (a) -(d) of this constitution, an Interim National Government shall be put in place by the ratification approval of a 2/3 majority of members of the Parliament present and voting in a plenary session convened for such purpose.” An Interim Government was setup by Hon.Aniebiet Godwin the then Speaker to conduct elections. That Interim National Government was led by Comrade Reward Peters and had six other members.

Every Interim Government has the life span of 4 month to conduct elections as contained in Section (20) subsection(4) of The 1996 Constitution of NAAKISS WORLDWIDE AS AMENDED 2022.
And it states thus;
The tenure of office of any government structure under this section shall not exceed a period of four(4) calendar months under which period it shall be able to institute a succeeding elected National Government”
Unfortunately the tenure of that Interim Government ended by effluxion of time, with no feasible elected National Executive in place.

Again, the power was on the Parliament to take actions which is to appoint a new Interim Government, however that was delayed as then Speaker Hon. Aniebiet Godwin insisted on extending the tenure of the Interim National Government then led by Comrade Reward Peters, rather than appointing a new one.

This inordinate desire to impose his personal will and decisions over the constitution and the Association in general resulted to a constitutional crisis in the Parliament. In the end, the Parliament resolved to move against the Ex-Speaker’s high-handedness, legislative incompetence, administrative rascality and outright abuse of office, which was tantamount to gross misconduct and therefore intolerable grounds for impeachment.

Following the impeachment of Hon. Aniebiet Godwin as Speaker there was the emergence of a new Speaker in the person of Rt. Hon.Godwin Bassey, who was hitherto the deputy Speaker to Hon. Aniebiet Godwin.

This resolution by the Parliament produced new leadership in the Parliament with Rt.Hon Godwin Bassey as the Speaker, in the same plenary that impeach the Speaker, an Interim National Government was formed again to pilot the affairs of the association and conduct elections. The members of the committee was thoroughly screened by the Security Agencies and the names was forwarded to the Ministry for approval.

These are the historical facts and the constitutional processes that led to the emergence of the current Interim National Government, which saw Comrade Blessing Essien (that’s myself) as the Chairman and Comr. Elijah Godwin as the Secretary.

Let me state categorically that we are on course to deliver on the responsibility placed on us by the constitution, which is to conduct elections that will bring in the new Leadership of NAAKISS WORLDWIDE. We are aware that the leadership vacuum in NAAKISS has left the association and her members in confusion and disarray giving rooms for miscreants and unguided individuals to create issues that have reduced the integrity, the core value and principles of NAAKISS.

To correct these impunity and anomalies, we must all ensure that we support the agenda that align with NAAKISS WORLDWIDE Constitution. This is therefore a call for support from Akwa Ibom State Students, to join hands with the Interim National Government to restore the Association back to constitutional governance.

It is a call to all Akwa Ibom State Students to be intentional in choosing their leaders, to vote for the best candidate that will speak for their interests, lead in love, understand that language of peace and dialogue amongst others.

It is on this note that I present our transition programme and they include the following programs with dates:

Sensitization 27th Aug. -30th Aug.
Sales of Forms 3rd Sept – 3rd Oct.
Eleco Screening 5th Oct. – 7th Oct.
Security Screening 8th Oct. – 10th Oct.
National Convention/ 11th Oct. -13th Oct.

Order of Activities

Campus Tour
NAAKISS Chapter Verification/Accreditation
NAAKISS WORLDWIDE Rebranding Programme
National Election (National Exco/Parliament)

To also assist in the discharge of my duty as Chairperson Interim National Government of NAAKISS WORLDWIDE, I hereby approved the appointment of the following as Aides, Senior/Special Adviser and Special Assistant to the Chairperson:

1.Chief of Staff- Comr. Israel Antigha
2.Chief Press Secretary- Comr. Blessing Utibe
3.Chief Protocol Officer- Comr. Maxwell Ukpe Michael

Special Advisers:
-Senior Special Adviser on Communication and Brand Management- Comr. Asikpo Samuel
-Special Adviser on Public Relations- Comr. Abasifreke Job

Special Assistants:

1. Special Assistant on Media- Comr. Udoh Prince Charlie
2. Special Assistant on Media- Comr. Abigail Isong
3. Special Assistant on Media- Comr. Joseph Ekong
4.Special Assistant on Media- Comr. Iniabasi George
5. Special Assistant on Media- Comr. Inemesit Udofia
6. Special Assistant on Media- Comr. Edwin Friday Tom
7.Special Assistant on Media- Comr. Elijah Etukudo
8. Special Assistant on Student Mobilization South South- Comr. Sandy Prince Ime
9. Special Assistant on Student Mobilization South East- Comr. Uwakmfon Emmanuel
10. Special Assistant on Student Mobilization South West- Comr. Idongesit Udo-Umo
11. Special Assistant on Student Mobilization North Central- Comr. Pejy Emmanuel Nyadara
12. Special Assistant on Student Mobilization North West- Comr Edidiong Davies
13. Special Assistant on Student Mobilization North East- Comr. Nsidibe Akpan

To further strengthen the resolve of the administration to stamp out cult related activities with this Association and indeed the entire students community in Akwa Ibom State, we have taken proactive steps to appointment private security firms as consultants on security issues and resolved to have closer working relationships with the security architecture of the state, namely the DSS, Police and Civil defence!

We want to guarantee all students of Akwa Ibom State origin that security threats to their peace and well being shall be neutralised and dealt with decisively by this administration!

Finally, we want to assure the government of Akwa Ibom State of our loyalty and ever abiding faith in the education policies and in the laws of our land!
Thank you and God bless you all!

Aluta Continua! Victoria Ascerta!
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Long live Akwa Ibom State!
Long live Naakiss Worldwide!


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