The masquerades have begun to dance. The year 2027 is three years away but in Akwa Ibom State 2027 is already here. The village square is packed with people, the atmosphere is feverish. There is excitement in the air. As the drummers beat their drums hard on social media raising the temperature of an already charged event that is many months away. Many of those beats are lies, sponsored and paid for.

Everyone is animated. Some speaking at the top of their voices, the ones that need to be noticed for crumbs. And we know them. Others are whispering, afraid they might be identified and make unintentional enemies. Then there are those who are neither here nor there, these ones drift to where the drums beat the loudest and where there’s a lot of food to eat. It’s a somewhat happy atmosphere.

But don’t be fooled behind the excitement are very sinister people. The ones who see the coming festivity as a matter of life and death. These ones do not appear in the village square with their faces. They are the masquerades I mentioned earlier. They assume a body-less presence. They don’t want to be identified. They cannot be identified. Yet they are the reason behind the chaos. They are close to the seat of power. They appear with the big Chief in the day time. But at night assume the form of masquerades. Their stock-in-trade, blackmail. These ones do not work. They live off the Commonwealth of the masses. This is how they survive. The wealth of the masses is the source of their power. And if you don’t give them, they make war.

They are not happy with the big Chief. He is not dancing to the beat of the underworld. He is proving too stubborn. They have wielded Power for so long and all who must rule peacefully must listen to them. They boast that they hold the power of the tree roots and the grass roots. They have played their drums but this big Chief has refused to dance. Now they are AFRAID! And they have gone to war.

The big Chief has said publicly over and over again, that the chest of money under his care has been given to him in trust by the people and he shall not go about sharing it with those who think they are the powers that be. And so they have labelled him stingy. They have branded him tight fisted. Because he wouldn’t budge to their threats. And the big Chief has stubbornly stood his ground. They have become desperate sponsoring all manner of articles, attempting to pour tar on him. Questioning his motivation. Accusing him with much passion. Yet without a single strand of evidence or fact.

Their desperation knows no bounds. Their greatest fear is 2027. They have vested interests. Very personal interests. Many of them intend to take part in the wrestling contests. Many are serial losers but they never give up.

But here is where their desperation has turned sinister. Nobody participates in these contests with an empty pocket. They were hoping the big Chief would help them build their war chest but he has refused to look their way. And if things stand the way they are – many of these dreaded masquerades in 2027 will be like the masses, standing outside and looking in. This is why they are AFRAID and have declared war on the big Chief and his father.

And this is their strategy, if you cannot get it from the son blackmail his father. This is a dangerous game it is called ‘Mbre Ikid’. The very people we see as friendly elders close to the seat of power in the daytime, turn to masquerades at night. They are the ones behind the predicament of the father of the big Chief. It is difficult to imagine that some of the people who dine and wine are the ones behind the whips that have been unleashed. If you don’t believe me look deeper!

Nobody wants to be discovered this is a highly sophisticated game. Nobody wants to be a suspect, so they look for somebody they can accuse. These masquerades drop ‘uncommon’ subtle subliminal suggestions. They look for a scape goat.

A subliminal message uses visual or auditory elements that share a message the conscious mind doesn’t perceive. The theory behind the subliminal strategy is that much of our decision making happens through our subconscious, instead of our conscious mind. Your conscious brain will take in an image or sound, but what feelings you get from a subliminal message is processed through your subconscious. Your feelings are at the heart of your decision making process. We think with our minds but feel with our hearts. A subliminal message succeeds when feelings buried in the subconscious is able to demolish facts and logic of the mind. And this is what subliminal messaging deviously does – it avoids the conscious circuit of reasoning and logic, slips into our minds like a virus and takes over our decision making faculties. This is what has happened in Akwa Ibom State, the scape goat mentality and strategy.

The father of the big Chief is a decoy, don’t be fooled. He is not under attack. The masquerades want his money. Big money for 2027. They are AFRAID of the big Chief. They had hoped a major war would break out between the big Chief and his grandfather but that has not materialised. Rather what they see between son and grandfather is a solid diamond clad impenetrable relationship. That relationship has been the cause of confusion and great consternation within the coven of masquerades. That war would have been their biggest source of funding, but that has been sealed by the big Chief. And now their soft target is his father.

Our people should not be distracted nor fooled by these masquerades and their antics. Many of them have held very powerful positions for years and yet still hold begging bowls. And this is what the big Chief has said must STOP! You have made your money from the system, give others the opportunity to succeed and thrive.

Should we not be talking about a Governor who has sat on the saddle for over a year, commissioned projects and bought aircraft carriers worth billions of naira but has not borrowed a single dollar, where have you ever heard that happen!? You go for loans. But not Governor Umo Eno.

What about the Governor’s transparency and focus – when he mentioned a budget of over N900 billion, with a project success rate of 79.2%. Perhaps a first in the history of Nigeria. I am waiting for the National Bureau of Statistics on that one. Not kidding.

These should be our conversation not the social media drums and distractions by failed masquerades.

Ata Ikiddeh


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